Pictures vs Pitchers... need I say more?

professormariachi on Oct. 24, 2009

So excited. Just got a tablet for my laptop. Same day, I had to shell out $160 smackers for a new battery for my macbook. So all in all, it was an expensive day. I love the functionality of the tablet. Currently I am using it to learn to colour a little bit in photoshop, and I don't think I'll ever go back to mouse. Expect the next few of the Professor's appearances to be in colour, and hopefully the colouring will improve steadily from now on.

Anyhow, the little Professor Mariachi may have gotten off to a strange start, but he's got a lot to say, and he's certain to say it. This one is a play on words. But having to explain it kills the funny. Anyway, 18th Century humour theorists wouldn't like this… but that's neither here nor there. This comic doesn't take water pitchers into account (BOO) but we can't all be super geniuses. Although Professor Mariachi is. I suppose it's true then that sometimes genius manifests itself in strange ways and the line between genius and insanity is wafer thin.

We went to go see law-abiding-citizen tonight, and the sheer adrenaline rush as a result makes me now want to find the occasion to draw an explosion. I suppose it will come up in due course? I hope so. I'll have to ask the Professor what his stance on gratuitous blowing up things is. Hopefully he's not a card-carrying member of CABs (Citizens Against Bombs). Alright, I'll admit it, I kind of liked the movie. I have to say though, I saw a lot of trailers beforehand that violated my good movie rules.

I'll explain. I have certain, very simple criteria for determining whether or not an action based movie will be worth watching. I insist that my movies have some shred of a semblance of plot, no matter how remote. And so I created what I call the nine explosion rule. When I watch a trailers, I count the explosions. Nine is the absolute maximum cutoff. Anymore than that in a two minute trailer means they don't have enough plot or good one-liners to fill a two minute sequence, and essentially use excess explosions as filler. Generally speaking, this does not bode well for the movie's plot. I use the nine explosion rule to determine what movies I'm going to trek out to the theatre for, and which ones I'm going to rent, or gloss over entirely (Sometimes I feel like I've seen the same movie 36 times, just with different protagonists).

It's late. I'm out.

May the force be with you.