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StellarBlitz on March 1, 2016


So, uh, we have Kyra, Izzy and Mia in the 2nd panel. They're pals since 6th grade. Kyra's dad owns a jewelry brand that grosses billions of dollars a year from across the world. Izzy's a Mexican-American of mixed parents who was a painfully shy new kid, before Kyra and Mia took her in, and Mia is… Well, she's definitely eccentric. She'll have about as much “screen-time” as Grey.

And then there's Arthur. He's rarely spoken since he got here, so everyone's a bit worried. Charlie here tries to be nice to everyone, including Arthur, but the poor bug boy has a tough carapace to crack.

Also, can you guess what Mia's cat form is based off of? That's right, my pet cat! But can you guess her name…? (Hint: It's not Mia.)