Spacehawk's Space Madness Page 5

Air Raid Robertson on Nov. 22, 2009

Yeah, here it is. Spacehawk is back after a long hiatus.

In this page I felt the need to throw in a couple of homages to 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Trek. (Or, a couple of ripoffs of 2001 and Star Trek if you aren't feeling generous)

In panel five I tried a slightly different shading technique. I thought it turned out pretty well for this sequence but I'm not sure if I'd draw a whole story that way.

The posture of Spacehawk's mother in that panel is loosely derived from a Picasso painting. I think it's called “First Steps”, but I'm not entirely certain. Although the emotions of the mother on this page is far different from that of the mother in the painting I thought that it suited this image very well.