220 "What She Said"

Lightfoot on April 10, 2015

The last page of chapter 15.
While Pulse is in-between chapters, it's a good time to have an intentional hiatus. It's something I should have done before, but I've been trying to work on some other obligations and Pulse at once.
Sometimes it works out, but it seems like if Pulse is my priority, it's all that gets done that week. If the other stuff is the priority, Pulse is at least very late.
I was part of a Kickstarter, and it's all taken ten times longer than I ever imagined. I need to complete the rest of the backer pictures (now that I have enough information for many of them), and hopefully by then or after that's complete I'll have enough of the story to continue drawing the comic.
So I think the only reasonable thing to do is pause the long-term project (Pulse) and get these short-term artwork and comic things out of the way.
I can't exactly guess how long this will take, or how long the hiatus will be. But it'll most likely be at least a few months. Worse-case, the next update here will be with the anniversary picture in June.
I'll try to provide more information when I know more.