Tripping on a Wompa in a Sith Lord's Heart

QuijiboKings on April 12, 2010

Surely we've all heard the news by now. To sum up for those of you who don't like clicking links, George Lucas has teamed up with Seth Green to create a new comedy series set in the Star Wars universe. It will be animated, and from what I understand, it will not deal at all with the whole Rebels-overthrow-the-Empire story as we know it. It's going to be all the stuff we /didn't/ see in the movies. Everything going on that doesn't change the face of the galaxy far, far away. As I put it to Corbin, “So it's like the episode of DBZ where Goku and Piccolo learn to drive?”

Now understand, there is the possibility that this could be a good thing. It's hard for me to admit that, having long ago realized that Mr Lucas lost his “visionary” status decades ago. In an upstroke from that downer, I don't know about you, but I think that Green kid is pretty damn funny. Who doesn't like Robot Chicken, right?

Also understand that there is a bigger possibility that this is going to be a disaster. I mean, Futurama worked as a sci-fi cartoon comedy, but is it conceivable that a brand of humor like Seth's is going to benefit from the Star Wars universe if it isn't spoofing it?

Time will tell, I guess. Hopefully Lucas' inspiration is not based solely in the continuing rape-for-profit of his previously innovative and inventive creation.

- Jericho