The Fantasy

The Can Can group on Aug. 7, 2007

Sorry I haven't updated! I went to a softball tournament over the weekend (the final team we went against were total bastards. It started to storm and rain during the bottom of the 5th inning and the umpires called the game. We had originally won. However, the other team's bastard/dickhole of a coach bullied the organizers into continuing the game. We sat around for an hour before they finally relented and we had to go back out. Nevermind our team has a 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive ahead of us…. Not only that, but one of the other girls was hackling the parents (I hackled back. Which is something you should never do if you want to be the better person) on our side. In the end, one of the other team's girls through her knee out while sliding into home and our team's coach forfeited. We ended up driving through a storm. It was awful. And we didn't get in until 11-ish.

The worst part is I didn't get a chance to do a walk about in the city. T__T

Anywho, I'm putting up 2 pages in apology. I couldn't update Monday because I went into work with mom and yesturday I had a SGA meeting (that and the internet wasn't working) at College.
