ch.3 page 1

kaiyaweird on Aug. 12, 2009

Its here!!! I know you all are jumping for joy now! Haha, ok maybe not but I hope you enjoy it all the same. NOTE: The girl on the cover for this chapter was Nikola, not the crazy lady from the prologue. There is a connection however. But you won't find out what til vol. 2. *nods* Anywho, I hope this page makes up for what the cover lacked.


tommym: Haha, thanks! And wow, you do such detailed analysis (in plural) of my pages sometimes. Haha, thats great. ^ ^Glad you like the clothes, I had fun designing them. Thats Nikola though, not her nemesis exactly.

amanda: Haha, I wish I could levitate ramen too! That would be totally awesome.

dontworrybehappy: They'll always be there for you to view.

CZweig: Thankee!

KitKatMuffin: Thankee very much. ^ ^

mistuke: Yeah…>.> Magical hands? Ah, well. Thanks! ^ ^