Past Graditude Colored

Rydel6 on Nov. 9, 2009

I'm not a fan of making another page for the same comic strip, but I wanted to make sure that people saw the update.

So yeah…took a while, but new page is officially up. It was difficult trying to relearn the old tricks. Some of them didn't quite work out the way I envisioned they would, but oh well. At least it's uploaded and you're reading it, right? ^_^

So, on a personal level I've been crazy busy with work and stuff so I may be changing over to a 3 panel approach. And probably only in black and white for a while. As we all know, coloring is a bitch that takes forever. But we'll see how it comes along.

Well, enjoy!

And leave me any comments you feel up too. Remember, commenting helps you grow up to be big and strong.