Chapter 1: Generic Intro Chapter Page 2: 'Game Over'

Calro Nath on May 17, 2008

Ohh Noes! How could he not bring another clip with him !1111one1eleventyone!wtfbbqsauce! The hilarity ensues starting here.

Remember read from RIGHT to Left.

Influences: Evil Dead, Resident Evil, and the countless webcomics that I read everyday (they were the main inspiration to start this)

If you are new to this comic and Feel Like it died, you are so wrong. We just haven't updated for several reasons (most of which are me not being in contact with the artist or not having the pages finished) so just chillax (definition: to chill and relax in a non harsh manner as to not have a heinous meltdown) and wait a little longer. See you later space cowboy ~ Cowboy Bebop