Gazing upward

Sneeratyou on Nov. 9, 2007

Again another wallpaper, this time meet Manna Magee. Here's a quick unpolished story I wrote with for this picture:

Well… Whoever is up there.. I'd… Uh like ta thank ya sugar. You've given me a nice little hell hole to reside in. Since I'm a sinner in your eyes no matter what, I'll just enjoy my place instead of frett'in like some people do. I did that once, but I'm done with it now.

I'll just fit in with all of my outcast sugarbabies, my friends. We all are cast here by you. But we like it. Redemption is vasty over rated.

All I can thank you for is casting them all here. Thats all I give thanks for, placing me with my outcasts.

I tried my best to be the idol of goodness, like my ma wanted me to be. But I couldn't no matter what I did. I was always beneath your mighty standard of living. Just never high enough to reach. It broke me into little pieces one day. And I've never glued myself back the way I was suppose ta be in your eyes.

I chose a path you o Mighty goddess would never encourage, I chose freedom instead of chains holding me back, keeping me from escaping the rules so strictly enforced. Even if I lost my family I've gained a new one.

My Tom Tom, the cranky ole fox. Never can win an argument with me nor Abby.

Quilla, the best photographer around, also the quickest little beaver.

Abby, my little con artist. She can fool anyone into anythin'.

Tina, sweetest hawk you'd ever meet and live to tell the tale about! She'd never harm a fly even if it attacked her.

Siri, my newest gal. So playful and loving. An opposite to dear ole Tom.

Dwane, he's a strange boy, but he's one of mine. Religious to the core, but far from crazy like his fellows. A donkey chicken if you ever saw one.

Those people are mine, my goddess I warn ya. Stay away from them. You already own my old family.

My new one is off limits.