Page # 83 - Sparx Attacks!!!

shaun on Feb. 22, 2009

Hello everyone, sorry about the not updating, I didn't I have a choice, if some of you recall, all of my image files are on a laptop, and a month ago, the charger for it was totally trashed, and I never uploaded the files to my imageshack profile. But I'm back, and I will upload them soon, as you can see, some of the html has changed, for the background image, if you can't really see it, click here (I made that background myself, with a tutorial). I still have to update the character bio, and the credits, but it's not going to take long, I'm going to have to hold it off until I complete the 100th Page Special, it was one of the few files I lost when my laptop died. Also, I'm going to update tomorrow, and that's the last you'll see of me until next Monday, or the Monday after that with the 100th Special, but if I don't have it by then, I'll just update regularly and forget about it. Now, about this page, I like the last panel, but I feel I should've tinted it yellow, and the text bubles are permenant, they're easy to make, and they look a lot neater than the other one. Also, on Wednesday, the Chapter page for this chapter'll be released. Well, RATE, COMMENT, and ENJOY!!!

EDIT(02/21/09): By the way, the background image for this place is a spoiler for something that's soon to come. And I use a new font now, instead of Laffayette Comic Pro, I use Anime Ace 2.0 BB, and on March 03, I'm going to have a surprise for you guys, I'm not telling you what, though. Stay posted.

EDIT(02/22/09): Don't worry about me not updating the Character Bio and Credits, just did them today, but I think I'm still missing a few people on the Credits list, I'll have to check it out in my spare time.