That witch is mine

o0silentsoul0o on April 11, 2012

“You dair touch that witch is mine? It seems to me you people are geting unruly….”
Loki to The alian people (Unshure of there neames ATM) killing his latest ‘intrest’ Ivy. Ivy is a girl whos family was killed by his people and was inroled in a collage / university course in witch she travles across the world for 3 years and has to wright a 700 - 3000 page book based off of a subject the professor gave her. She got ‘Reocuring Religous Figures Across Time’ She chose Loki who appears in more than Nors mythology. One day when in the rainforest on her way to a village for reserch she and her INTERPOL partner were attacked at there camp by Loki's army. He over the past months was watching her amusdly and got rather pissed off that they killed her. This picture is him holding her bondy talking to the leader rather anoyedly just before he brings her and her freind back. This is where the fun begins…