Pugs are weird

Stickfodder on May 17, 2009

So I spent my weekend in New Jersey. I wasn't just visiting my relatives we had gone down there to get a dog, or a pug to be more exact. My relatives are moving to a rental house in Delaware and they can't bring any pets, so their choices were to either put their 13 year old pug to sleep or find someone to take care of her. Now we have known Darla (the pug) since she was a puppy and weren't about to let them put her to sleep so now she's living with us. But we doubt that she'll last to long (as in not many years) because as stated above she's 13, but also because she's had cancer, a stroke, is blind in one eye, mostly deaf, and has congestive heart failure. But she's just too cute and funny to let her die. One of the weirder things she does is burp and fart at the same time. Weird and gross.

And I'm not going to take credit for the design of the pug I've used here. It's based on Oso the pug from the comic Sheldon by David Kellett. Also when I was making this I made a rough copy to use as a guide for a second layer and I just like the way that one came out too so you can see it here and decide which one is better.