Secrets: page 6

Freakeh on Oct. 21, 2006

Yaaay the worst of the lack of inspiration is over. And finally, we get to see Miyoko and Z on the same page again. =D it's a miracle!


@magickmaker: Really, you think so? they just look really plain to me =P

@magicalmisfits: … A soup bowl? xD I think I am offended!

@Yurika: Lmao ;P

@Rubygem: I think I accidentally muted you… O-o Sorry I don't have a clue how that happened. don't worry you're unmuted now though o-O

@animegal: thank you! =3

@simonitro: xD Not so much laugh in the face of, moreso him acknowledging it and then saying, “You're in my way.”

xD It does?

@Frail: xDD I love no backgrounds but I use no backgrounds too often.

It is? really? wow =D

Ooh I'm glad! I mean, I'm not glad you don't get inspiration, but I'm glad somebody… can… relate… *shifty eyes*

@Toshubi: Yes exactly! =D