Metempsychosis: page 18

Freakeh on Dec. 18, 2009

I'm sorry to announce that Salimah will go on a two-week hiatus for the holidays ^^ I'll be going to Holland for Christmas and won't get any opportunity to work on the pages, and I know I have a habit of saying that it'll only be a hiatus and then disappearing completely, but this time I have pages ready for when I get back so it really will just be for two weeks!

There will, however, be a special Christmas update on the 25th :3 I don't know what it will be though XD Does anyone have a request? Some suggestions for Christmas pictures I've had so far include Z. as a snowman, or Zotia being forced to participate in the festive cheer. I mean, just look at his face! Does that face look cheerful to you? I think not!

About his face… I messed it up so badly in the last panel, I hope nobody notices… *whistles innocently*