Issue 4 Cover: Rad As Hell

Adam Dravian on Sept. 8, 2018

That's right, Satan Ninja 198X is back!

I’m so fucking pumped for Issue 4, as it’s when the core concept of the comic really kicks in—like a Van Damme style jumping spin-kick to the face. This cover offers a nice taste of what you can expect.

Each of our previous covers had gotten progressively more and more busy as we kept adding more characters. For this one, we decided to scale it back and focus on just three characters, which also gives the background a chance to shine (Jessica spent an abnormally long time on the background, as she kept re-working it over and over and over—gotta get that Hell landscape just right). This cover also highlights a core element of this issue and the comic overall: Eddie using his rad Satan Ninja powers to fight badass demons (and, of course, there's the ever-present elements of the '80s dressing and busty babes).

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