CH1 - PZ - One Spade Takes the Pot

heropill on April 6, 2014

Hello peeps,
glad to know you all survived the horrific pranks of April Fool's day and are now ready to get back up on your feet to continue another perfect, and hopefully great week!
Okay, I know what some of you might be thinking - “Filler Page!!!” >:(
~but, wait!
I'm not exactly sure what is the necessary criteria for a page to be called ‘filler’ is, but I'd like to think of this update like a space between chapters. Mostly to give that 'feel' like time and/or progress has passed or to highlight an event that I couldn't fit into the story in hopes that the characters would feel sorta' more alive…?

-Whatever the case, it gives me an excuse to flex my artistic prowess, if you catch my drift. *Raises eyebrow flirtatiously* ;)
But anyways, schedule will be remain as usual so - see you on Monday and thanks for reading!
Oh, and if you the time, LIKE US on Facebook! and I will LOVE YOU for it!