Of Gods and Worlds and Other Important Stuff Too

El Bob on April 18, 2007

Okay… A lot of delays later, I give you a comic with a metric buttload of text, and COLOR OMG. Don't get too used to the colors; I have a friend do them for me (occasionally) as a favor, and it tends to take her a while because I shade my lineart and she hates that. I figured I should make up for lost time a little bit. There might be more colored comics in the future, but it's not a big part of the plan right now.

Also, I think an explanation is in order… Last Monday, I managed to take a step out of a door that I did not know was not even with the ground, and fell; I wound up with a large, deep hole in the ball of my thumb, and my wrist felt like it was sprained (it wasn't, but it hurt like hell). Add to that, on the same day on my way to my night class at college I got pulled over, and I really wasn't in the mood to draw or write anything significant.

As for not updating on Friday like I thought I would… I kinda forgot. Sorry about that. I'm a busy, tired, accident-prone idiot, yes. I'm late on -this- one because it just took me a while, is all.

If those reasons aren't satisfactory, well screw ALL y'all, I've got a life too, and I'm doing this for fun (and for free). ^^

Hopefully this will be the last delayed page for a long time. Though knowing my luck, I just jinxed myself by saying so.

–The Cuddly Demon