this is going to get rough...

Demeter on July 16, 2007

I am sad no one guessed. or commented at all. very sad. That, however, is beside the point. the nice borders and colors (and some background fixes) have beem graciously provided by ChilmarkGryphon, who, as far as I know, lacks a drunkduck account but makes up for it with the concentrated awesome at a number of things I'm no good at/take me forever to do any good at. I've known her for a couple of years, and she has never ceased making my life easier, moslty in terms of being able to code websites and color pictures. And having some very interesting roleplay ideas.

I hate the second panel, but I still feel rather proud of myself for the hands in the first and last panels. there will be a lot of hands in strips to come, and some relatively serious bits. But the writing on those so far has been rather sucky, so mayube the serious will be refreshing.

also, background cow. I love me some background cow. it's my favorite reoccuring fictional mammal of no importance.