Short Bus Brothel Classic 16 Fan Tribute

Glass_Ink on July 9, 2006

How is everyone? I just got back from my mini vacation to Missouri… It was a good time. I got to play with FIRE!!
This is a tribute to the fans of S.B.B. I've ran this comic before, but that was before the crash… Just like most of the S.B.B. Classics. I'm just letting all you crazy mother fuckers know how much I LOVE YOU!
Looks like Glass has been traveling into other comics. Doing his little part to cause lots of damage. You have to check this out if you haven't already!!

Look forward to a NEW strip in a few days, maybe more. It's just a matter of when I can get it done. Glass and Flotie Chino Head will be stealing the stage light for a little while… Then it's back to the “V Story.”