
Glass_Ink on Sept. 20, 2006

I think this has to be the oldest art of S.B.B. I have to date. I put this on poster board over 10 years ago… That is I remember right.
The original name of S.B.B. used to be R.U.E.Z? As you can see by this picture. It was taken with a digital camera a very long time ago. You can see two of the characters that are in S.B.B. like Glass, and Twiggy. When I first started S.B.B. over two years ago via web comic Spazz was a part of the crew, but for reason… I drope the character of Spazz. I had alot of random ideas at the time, and I guess I wanted to make S.B.B. more of my own comic then anything. For some reason I allow people to have a certain amount of control over the thought process behind S.B.B. but I'm moving past that. I'm posting this for alot of reasons, the first reason being to remind me of my dream, and how I should never give up on my own creation.
I should be posting some new stuff for you shortly. I'm working on my own little mental defects for the time being.

I hope everyone will enjoy this.