The MAXX and Twiggy

Glass_Ink on Feb. 13, 2007

Happy fuckin' V-Day to all of you sneezing due to overwhelming sent of roses, and to all you who are hugging yourself while wallowing in your own self pity.

This is my version of The Maxx. Some of you may have read the comic, or watched him on MTV oddities. I noticed a little while back that Ozone posted fan art of The MAXX in the forums, and all I could think about is doing my version of The MAXX. I remember drawing this character when I was about 16 or so… He's still one of my favorite wanna be comic book hero's of all time.

As you can tell Twiggy is sort of draped over The MAXX's back. I was thinking about adding a subtitle, but couldn't think of anything.

A few questions got asked in the comments for the last comic strip, so I guess I'll answer them.

Mark: Oddly enough my hair does look like that… Just a little less emoish.

Ozone: Yes, I have shot myself!! As I type right know people are feasting, and drinking my brain ooze from the hole in my head with a bendy straw.

Freakeh: Outside of being confused by your comment. For some reason I destroy everything… Good or bad.

Thanks to everyone else who posted!!!
