Glass Redrawn/Rebirth Artwork Filler

Glass_Ink on May 1, 2007

I've been sort of working on a story line for S.B.B. My scanner remains down for the mean time… I'm working on getting a newer one that will work with this computer, but until then it there will be no S.B.B. *Sob, Sob*

The Glass drawing that you see above is a bit of a mixture of my style, and that of the new Hellsing anime. I started to read through the Hellsing manga, and liked the artwork of it so much… I thought about altering my style to some reflect that… Instead of my artwork being quoted as being like “J.T.H.M.”

Again… Thanks to those of you who are being supportive over the down time. For those interested, check My MySpace for other artwork and sketches that have been done over the last few months.

Thanks, and Enjoy…