14. Coincidental

Smerph Greenfox on Jan. 29, 2007

Well, I hope this explains where Don Patch came from.

As for me, well, sorry for disappearing like that! I won't bore you with the details. Just know that an event occured that interrupted my comic-ing. Nothing major, like a death in the family or a horrible injury. But anyway, it kinda killed my writing motivation, so I had to rebuild it. And it took a while…

Also know that sprite comics are a hobby of mine, nothing more. If I have free time, it's something I like to do. I'm not like David Anez or Brian Clevinger, those guys are SUPER dedicated.

Now, I'm not saying “Bah, this is just something stupid. Why are you reading this garbage?” I love my fans. And I really like the series. But a while ago, I used to do a comic called “Choose Your Character”, and it got to the point where I would have to make writing and spriting a part of my weekly schedule. It ruined the fun that it used to be when I started out. I don't want Single Player Mode to be like that.

You know, I should get back at CYC. It wasn't bad.

I have a lot of ideas dashing around in my brain, the problem is just finding the time to get them down.

Also, besides that, at this point in the comic, things are kinda dragging along. It's mostly exposition and I hate writing that. But I'm nearly past that roadblock, so stay tuned.