[23/Apr/2011] The Celluloid Ghost, page 6

Dee Arris on April 22, 2011

After just over a month, here's the new page. Next week we'll be meeting the REAL hero of this story, so stay tuned. By-the-by, tomorrow is my birthday, and call me cynical (I'm usually not, I swear it!), but I have a bad feeling being 23 is going to feel exactly like being 22. Still, a barbecue followed by an all-night Romero marathon sounds like a giggle all the same.

Amendment: I failed to realise that Noel is holding his coffee mug in the wrong hand in panel 5. Let's assume he switched hands so he could rest the other on top of the computer.
-Scotty D.

Skelwarp & Sons is copyright © Scotty D. & Stacy L., 2011.
Artwork is copyright © P-Oudy G., 2011.