Prologue Pg. 2

adequatej on Feb. 16, 2012

And so here we have 3 friends wandering around a field near starvation. Kyle (the one with the brief shades) is a cleric with healy powers. He's also a dick. The one in the dress is Jack, he's a mage with all kinds of dark magicy powers. Basic dark mage stuff. Though we'll just say mage instead of dark mage because fuck you Final Fantasy. The black guy with the afro is Malcom. He's an alchemist. Which I just realized is just going to remind everyone of Full Metal Alchemist even though he just does potions and stuff. I guess I should also mention that this stuff is in mideval…evil?…(fucking english language) times… This kinda started off as an Adventure Time kinda thing. They style anyway. It's a good style they have. But mostly I just wanted a stye easy to draw. But of course I put way too many freakin' lines in it so it's not easy anymore. Maybe I'll just do the whole damn thing in color. less lines mo' colo'.