Filler: Key Solrai/Ki Drawn and Edit

TrentTheFox on Aug. 1, 2010

Behold a filler! But not just some regular filler, this filler shows my actual drawing skills! This is pretty much the first drawings I've done in a while, and I have to say I improved a lot! Enough to post a Drawn Comic? Could be! I'm thinking of 2 comic ideas (Have to list them. Yep, another long “Authors Notes”)

1.Fantaversus- This idea is about me (woot >_> ) witnessing a strange, rainbow colored shooting star in the sky that gives me newly found abilities. But I'm not the only one who witnessed it, and some of them not the nicest people around either :(.

2.Radiant Nights: Lunar Elemist- This idea is based off my RPG I'm currently making. Still working on the story so more info on this idea later.

My head kind of hurts from typing this much… I'm going to bed now :/