Split Screen 70

Jaymzeecat on Dec. 3, 2012

* In panel 5 Jan is referring to what happened on page 36: http://www.drunkduck.com/Split_Screen/5408781/ but she's exaggerating a bit, don't you think? Jan does not like to lose control of her emotions…
As some of you may already know if you follow my blog on DA, the
computer I use to make my comics unexpectedly died last night. This may
be the last update for a while… I don't know how long it will take to
repair it or what the cost will be (heaven forbid I have to replace
it!). I could really use some help if you've got any donations you can
spare: Jaymzeecat@gmail.com on Paypal.

I really hate asking for
donations but I don't know what else to do. :/ If you have suggestions,
please message or comment me! I might be slow to respond without my
regular computer, but I will get back to you!