Page 9

The_Lady_Gray on Aug. 13, 2012

Whoooo all the way up to page 9! We're almost done. Sorry guys, I know this page is rather bland and kind of boring but I actually had a blast drawing it. I love drawing Tally. I made a really stupid mistake and used the wrong tone for her skin though >.< Anyway, hope you guys are still having as much fun reading this as I am drawing it~!

P.S. I have a question for you all. Very soon I hope to be starting on my next project but like always I have too many ideas and no idea which way to run soooooo I shall pose this question. Would you all rather read another short story like this (a little longer maybe), a chibi comic about magical girls, or attempt another long serious one hat would most likely be of the fantasy/horror genre. Or would you all like to see something else entirely, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments. I really appreciate you all taking the time to readStarKissed, you guys make me smile. C: