
stinger9 on Dec. 12, 2023

Decided to attempt uploading this one here too, let's see how long this lasts.
Copy and pasting the notes, with some minor editing

I do want to get a few things out of the way before I start though (Nothing too vital here, feel free to ignore and move onto the comic itself):

1) This is kind of a very old formerly scrapped project of mine. And when I say old I'm talking this idea was from, like, over a decade ago! Had a few reattempts at it in the meantime, the first chapter is still using some of the scripts I wrote on my previous attempt.

2) Was spurred into making this based on events that mean nothing to most people here, so screw explaining that.

3) The tone of this comic may be a bit mixed. While I did go for goofy humour in the early pages I scripted, that kind of changed a little after I started working on it again. Not to say there isn't still a bunch of that in there, just don't expect it to be all-out goofiness throughout! Then again, that seems to be the case for most scripts I write!

4) And finally, while it may not be that clear from the cover, I'm going fairly simple on the art. No way I was going to do anything like Drachronon or BGTE, given that I'm already struggling enough to get those done! Going more for how I was drawing Mara and Gedon when that was a thing. Quick drawing, minimum details, no shading, just whatever I can do to get things done without eating up too much time for my main comics! Plus, 3D for ships and the like, because I am absolutely not going to be able to draw something acceptable that quickly!