pg 231

theorah on Nov. 21, 2012

gossip gossip…
In just a little while I'm off to the silent film festival opening gala,
I'm excited about seeing a silent film with live music for the first
time, should be perfect and just what a silent film nees <3 My sister
is helping out in this years festival, and looking after Bill Oddie (if
you dont live in uk, a famous comedian) on Sunday, he's doing a talk on
Laurel and Hardy =3
I didnt realiuse until last weekend when we watched some really BAD
quality charlie chaplin films, the kiund of impression most people get
of silents. All the versions I've seen have been high quality in music
and image, but these were terrible in both, no wonder some people hate
silent movies. If you've seen ‘The Artist’, that is how silents REALLY
look and sound if you get a good quality version =3

Soitbegins, haha oh man you're so right XD That woul just add to the genius of a deer stalker :P