Hemus School Days

theorah on March 2, 2013

Heres a special comic made as apart of WASP week, a really fun project that I've already harped on about a few times XD
I love Hemu's expression in the 2nd panel, so cute! So yeah, Hemu moved school an awful lot, and stuck to his books rather then friends :P But you can imagine how surprised kids were when they realized he was actually very athletic…doesnt stop him from being the class geek though haha.
A bunch of us have collaborated on each other's webcomics, and here my collab with Nich Angell! You can see more of his work here, 7String being a fantastic and highly unique action comic about music (you can imagine my glee when I discovered this :D ): http://nichangell.co.uk/
And check out the other shorts done for WASP: http://www.tempolush.com/wasp/ My contribution is going up on Sunday, but I'll link to it on Sunday evening when I get back from Minamicon (I can safely assume that as of this comic being put online, I am probably in a bar surrounded by cosplayers and playing drawing games, or watching some late night mind messing anime).