Tournament Lineups(Before)

Ryu_The_Fox on May 20, 2007

The Names indicate the Person who is NOT a SSB character. if you wish to join the tournament, PQ Ryu_the_Fox. He is the Author after all. All fights are done by voting, and we mean ALL. heres how it works:

1. For Top Fights, send THKNN_NUL a PQ

2. For Bottom Fights, sen Ryu a PQ

3. the more votes a character gets, the more powerful they will be in the fight.

4.(this is a maybe) all votes will be carried on to the next fight, so one person could get more votes during the second fight, but still be losing overall.(if that doesn't make sense, PQ me with the title SSB:GT)

5.If you vote using the comment box, your comment will be MUTED until the fight is over. I don't like muteing people, so PLEASE PQ the proper person.

Any Questions?