Ep. 21, Page 27

smbhax on Jan. 6, 2014

Struggled to find a drawing for this one; here was an earlier go I just couldn't quite get to come together:

I used to do a lot more extreme perspective–angle-wise I mean, and particularly of the face–than I do now. I suppose the thing is that it's really hard to get it to look right; this is something you can see backfiring even in drawings by some of the most renowned draftspeople in print comic books (although it's also interesting to read comics with this in mind and to see all the ways that clever artists *avoid* having to use extreme facial perspective, without seeming to). I don't think anything is far far off in that drawing there, but I just couldn't seem to get it to feel right somehow.
The other thing is that while if you don't get it *too* wrong you may increase the *wow* factor for some viewers, extreme perspective reduces the “readability” of faces, since we're used to seeing people more or less straight on; and in a webcomic, your latest page is always the first page for a new reader. Not that I would hesitate for the sake of potential new readers to use some face-smushing perspective if I really thought it was called for, mind you; but I also don't want to go throwing it around just for the heck of it–and maybe I've learned other, less compromising ways to make an image interesting.
And yeah as with today's draft there I find–as I'm a bit more picky these days–that sometimes I'm just not getting it quite right, and I don't feel like settling for “not quite right” anymore!