Ep. 21, Page 46

smbhax on Feb. 2, 2014

Old Space News, New Science News:
2011: Rheasilvia (wikipedia.org) - “Rheasilvia /ˌriːəˈsɪlviə/ is the most prominent surface feature on the asteroid Vesta and is believed to be an impact crater. It is 505 kilometres (314 mi) in diameter, which is 90% the diameter of Vesta itself, making it one of the largest craters in the Solar System, and at 75S latitude, covers most of the southern hemisphere. It partially obscures an earlier crater, named Veneneia, that at 395 kilometres (245 mi) is almost as large. It was discovered in Hubble images in 1997, but was not named until the arrival of the Dawn spacecraft in 2011. It is named after Rhea Silvia, a mythological vestal virgin and mother of the founders of Rome.
Rheasilvia has an escarpment along part of its perimeter which rises 412 km above the surrounding terrain. The crater floor lies about 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) below the surrounding surface. This basin consists of undulating terrain and a central mound, almost 200 kilometres (120 mi) in diameter, which rises 22 kilometres (14 mi) from its base, the tallest mountain known in the Solar System.”

image by NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA (source)
Feb 5, 2014: Bionic hand allows patient to ‘feel’ (bbc.co.uk) - “During an operation in Rome, four electrodes were implanted onto nerves in the patient's upper arm. These were connected to the artificial sensors in the fingers of the prosthetic hand, so allowing touch and pressure feedback to be sent direct to the brain.”