Ep. 21, Page 67

smbhax on March 6, 2014

Thought I'd try doing a page without using the pencil; I was looking at yesterday's page and noticing the little things off with the pencil lines here and there and thinking that maybe the inertia working against me when it comes to altering drawn lines, especially on this watercolor paper where they don't always erase completely, was kind of holding me back in terms of drawing; like, on http://smbhax.com/?e=0021because the materials I was using back then weren't intended for that sort of thing, really.
Well now I'm using watercolor stuff that *is* designed for that sort of thing, and not so much for pencil, so maybe it makes sense to give that approach another try. I feel like it can definitely help me get toward a more expressive, painterly mode, which I've found myself unable to get into when using pencil linesbut it will also be a challenge to do complicated layouts and sharp features without them.
Today's layout, for instance, was pretty basictoo basic? It didn't come out quite as disastrously as I'd feared it might, though. Here are some intermediate steps (another tricky thing about this approach is that it can look like an absolute disaster most of the way through, until you put in the final light/dark detailsespecially the white ink!right at the end):

So…I dunno. I think I can get better at it, but I don't think I'll ever be able to match the crispness and the subtle dynamism of layout I got with through the pencil in, say, http://smbhax.com/?e=0021 really what I should just get better at is a) erasing and redrawing when necessary and b) ignoring the pencil lines in watercolor when necessary. Maybe I'll give this no-pencil thing another page or two to see if I can stumble upon some kind of breakthrough with it.