Ep. 21, Page 102

smbhax on April 24, 2014

Brush and ink reward sketch for a supporter of A*, on Patreon, which they will have in their hands by now if the address they gave me through Patreon is the correct up-to-date one, or at least has mail forwarding : oo:

I'm a little rusty with the ink, I think! I'll get to do at least one of these per month though, so you have this generous supporter to thank for gradually getting me warmed back up in ink work! : )
Note to self: the funky fadings and gildings in today's page colors come from Hue/Saturation layers set to “Exclusion” at various opacities and hues, and the contrast of the horizon on the right was adjusted with a Hue/Sat layer set to “Luminosity.”