Ep. 22, Page 77

smbhax on Sept. 5, 2014

Late night art frustration sketch heads from last night:

Scribbled these out with my ol' 0.3 Tikky Graphic pen; the 0.1 I'd used with reasonable success for a few recent Patreon reward sketches I showed is putting out a pretty anemic line now that I've done a few more sketches with itit's got plenty of ink left and the tip *looks* fine but the ink just isn't flowing as much as it was before, so I guess I'll stick with the thicker 0.3, which is really the one pen of this type that I never have ink flow problems with, it can keep up with me no matter how manically I scratch away. Still can't do long lines or curves accurately with it, but that's just my own hand/eye coordination / fear-of-the-permanence-of-ink problem, not the pen's. ; ) It's about the best thing I've got for rapid-fire freehand sketching, thoughand it even has an advantage over pencils in that since it can't be erased, there's no slowing down or going back. ; ) Onward! ^_^