Ep. 22, Page 90

smbhax on Sept. 24, 2014

British illustrator David Wright's pin-up art brought him fame early in his career, particularly during WWII, but starting in the 50's he turned his expertise to the illustration of adventure comic strips with female leads in British dailies: the somewhat cheesecakey Judy from ‘53 to ’57, and Carol Day from ‘56 until his death in ’67. You can see lots of samples of both strips at those links; I like the simplicity and grace of his Judy, but he really hit his stride with brush and ink in Carol Day, with intense hatching and organic modeling of lines, a seemingly endless variety of shading techniques (toward the end of the run he incorporated halftone films, but I wonder if the blue pencil fill in that earlier one gave a halftone-type effect when photographed?), abstraction of forms in contemporary styles, intense natural effects, and memorable character designs. Wright certainly wasn't afraid to experiment and push against the usual boundaries of comic strip graphic design; even today, if a strip like this showed up in your comics page, you might just about flip your wig!