Ep. 25, Page 35

smbhax on April 2, 2015

In Hawaii and elsewhere under the Earth, long tunnels and large caverns called “lava tubes” have formed underground when molten lava crusts over, and then the still liquid lava beneath flows away. Based on surface observations and theories of planetary formation, many scientists conjecture that the Moon had a volcanic pastand if this was the case, there could very well be extensive lava tubes beneath the lunar surface! Photos of the Moon show what might be entrances to such networks of tunnels, but as of yet none have been explored. But if lunar lava tubes *do* exist, computer modeling, as discussed in a recent BBC article, has predicted that, thanks to the relatively low gravity on the Moon, caverns left on the Moon by lava could be much larger than their counterparts on Earthup to 5 km across! Might make a pretty handy place to live up there, even, once it was dusted off and sealed upfree from asteroid impacts and other hazards that would threaten less well-housed astronauts on the surface.
Heck, maybe this city Selenis is in right now is in a lava tube : oo