Ep. 26, Page 45

smbhax on Aug. 5, 2015

Day three and I'm still on schedule, woo. Kind of pooped, though; who knew daylight was this exhausting? Well I'm sure my body will figure out this whole sleeping at night thing eventually. : D
In addition to the day's usual drawing and watercoloring of the A* page, I've also been streaming little sessions of drawing reward sketches for Patreon supporters earlier in the day. Almost caught up for…one month back, now! ^_^ And Patreon was still processing *this* month's contributions over the past weekend, but that's done now so I'll be able to send out the latest round of support e-book rewards this *coming* weekend.
And hey if I can keep to this schedule thing, I'll be able to get my Saturdays back, and do some more giant-size A* paintings; I managed a few of those a while ago but haven't been able to fit more in up to now. : o