Ep. 29, Page 56

smbhax on July 18, 2016

Whew! This one got a little crazy. Lots of layers of white ink and watercolor (or mixed muddles of same ; ) as I spent a long time trying to make the painting be like the penciled version (which, like the pencils for every A* page I do, you can see on my Instagram), until I was finally forced to give that up and just let the paint do nutty paint things until it kind of looked like something. And voila! Well I keep telling myself I want to get a little wilder with the paint so I guess I can't complain about it when it happens accidentally. : P


I will mention this again on Wednesday, but I'll just give early warning here that I won't have a new page on Thursday of this week, ‘cause I’ll be at a wedding (not mine!). But Friday and the other weekdays we'll have pages, yep.