Ep. 31, Page 20

smbhax on April 20, 2017

NASA just posted a new article, about landslides on the dwarf planet Ceres: not only has the Dawn spacecraft photographed evidence of far more landslides than scientists would have anticipated–“20 to 30 percent of craters greater than 6 miles (10 kilometers) wide have some type of landslide associated with them”–but those landslides, since they're thought to be a mix of water ice and rocks, or even in one type associated with large craters, a muddy slushy mix of water (melted by the impact that created the crater) and rocks, also suggest that Ceres has far more water content near its surface–and especially near the poles–than expected: “the ice in the upper few tens of meters of Ceres may range from 10 percent to 50 percent by volume.”