Ep. 32, Page 89

smbhax on Dec. 15, 2017

Well I got one eye painted. The other didn't want to cooperate. I should probably try doing something like David Downton does, painting one eye in very lightly, so if it doesn't quite line up with the other, you don't really notice. : D

Say have I mentioned yet this week that the 16“ x 6.75” watercolor paintings I make and scan in for the comic each day have been going up on sale on eBay starting at a new, lower price of $16.99? Yeah! And that price is gonna stick around for the foreseeable future.

And if I ever fix my schedule so I have time to do real blog articles mid-week, we can even get back to extra pages from A*'s past going on sale at that figure, too. … Didn't manage it this week. : P