Ep. 32, Page 114

smbhax on Jan. 25, 2018

Let's pretend it's still Wednesday and do one of our once-in-a-weekly A* original art archive sales! That's where I pick out a remaining piece of art I made for A* that I think is particularly nifty, and put it up for sale at a special sale price–and this week's selection is the 16“ x 6.75” watercolor painting I made for way back for page 67 of this episode, in which Selenis is vaulting a partition in the Falquarium nightclub to escape from one of Falco's thugs–and from the bar fire she herself started. ]_] : D It was the last page I did with my old brush and so it has extra texture-y lines; I also thought the action poses and fire-lighting of the two dynamic dames worked out pretty well, and the color gradient and impressionistic background carried off the fire idea rather decently. : ) So there's all that and it can be yours in the next week, starting at the teensy-weensy price of just $16.99 right over here on eBay!

The auction listing there has high-res images of the painting, but here are some tiny-winy ones for a nibble:

Thanks for checking it out! You can find that and all my special A* art sales–which always include the latest week's worth of brand new painted artwork pages!–over on my eBay profile.