Book One, page 56

bravo1102 on Aug. 7, 2017

I decided to use an * asterisk and little black boxes to describe various deities. It doesn't impede layout too much and explains a lot until I get around to compiling full pantheon pages with illustrations and the like.

Surprised no one noticed that Ragnar was catching the spiders in the air with his ax. I figured if one is as practiced as he is with a weapon and can parry blows and all, he should be able to catch a flying spider in mid-air. Here we see him using in a more typical manner complete with battle cry. Odin All-father was always watching battles so he could send his daughters to collect believers who died well. Odin had supposedly given up one eye to be all-seeing so maybe Ragnar feels a particular affinity to him. On a future page he will liken Searsha to the Norse one handed deity Tyr.