[41] Failproof Plan

naomi anonyme on Aug. 15, 2009

Wow, only six months late this time? I'm on an effing roll, here!


This past semester was a little strenuous, and as it was my second to last semester of college, I decided I should probably put most of my effort toward getting good grades. It panned out, I got straight A's, and all's well.


For those few who may still read my comic, you'll notice a couple of technical changes in this page:

1) hand-drawn text bubbles, and hand-lettering for the script. While I feared this might make pages take longer to finish, the opposite is oddly true. It does take a little more consideration in frame set-up, but it saves time in the after-art process, keeps me from drawing and coloring background that'll just get covered with text bubbles, and it allows my Photoshopless butt more freedom in script size and orientation.


2) I've ditched the pen-hatching. I thought hatching would save me time in shading, but marker shading takes a lot less time, and in the end it looks a lot cleaner.

3) The backgrounds are more minimalistic. This is to save time and marker life (which I need to conserve, considering my lack of art supply funds.. or food funds).

4) I uploaded on a Sunday, instead of a Wednesday. Instead of having a set deadline, I'll just upload as I go. Some weeks may have more than one page (ideally), whereas some weeks may be too jam-packed with final semester madness to squeeze a page in (in which case, I'll upload some filler art).

Okay, bye!