[003] They have an opening

saraha on Sept. 12, 2007

Don't be worried if the story confuses you. I work without a script and I try to put something at least resembling a punchline at the end of each page, so if it's confusing, there's your reasons.

I'm not sure f I'm happy with all the ads and crap on this site, but for now it'll have to do. I guess one day I'll whip up a nice php script and host this thing on my own, but for now I'm gonna take advantage of DrunkDuck's auto-uploading.

As you see at the bottom of each strip, these were drawn before they were uploaded. It's called backlog, for I'm trying to do daily uploads. These commentaries are also not dated correctly! It's the 11th right now, but this'll save me the hassle later on.