Tainted page 8

Naruial on Oct. 10, 2008

New coloring style, better art…

The new update schedule is that the comic pages will either be put up Saturday or Sunday, depending on how busy I am, and then MAYBE on Wednesdays.

Life has been pretty… busy right now. I've been having some health problems which have had me bedridden, and not the kind of bedridden where I can get much done D:

AND… I no logner have the Naruial account on Warcraft… its Aailyah now… Naryavorae is still there for horde :P
And we might be switching servers to Earthenring, since I know more people there, haha.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go look at my dA journal for more comic ideas… that way in the middle of the week you will also have stuff to read, since that comic will update on wednesdays when this one does not :]

Link: http://www.naruial.deviantart.com

And while you're there, you can look at art, yes no? xD