Loyalty: page 18

winzrella on Aug. 18, 2011

I feel that I was wiser than usually when I had actually scanned this page a month ago. That is why it's possible for me to update TOE now.

What is going on, is that my old computer decided to give up. It would not start at all. That forced me to buy a new one, but since I had to buy a computer I wanted to buy one that is good enough for my usage. And to get that computer I had to wait an extra week to receive it.

Now I have a new computer and for the last two days I have been moving my old files to the new one. My biggest problem concerning comics now is that I'm unable to install my scanner. I have not yet figured out how solve this problem. So untill I have solved my problem with the scanner there won't be any updates after this page.

I will keep you now and then updated of the situation in my blog http://winzrella.blogspot.com/. Please visit it if you want to know what's going on.

My final solution concerning the scanner is to buy a new one, but since I just bought a computer I'm not too eager to spend money on a scanner as well. So unfortunately it might take a while before I get back on updating.

However, my siblings do own scanners so if it starts to take too long I will go and use theirs.
Thank you for your patience and enjoy the page.

The next page (when I get it online) will introduce a new character.